Turkey tracks cable work in Cyprus EEZ

The Turkish Navy is keeping a close eye on the work of the Italian vessel Teliri, which is to lay telecommunication cables within Cyprus' exclusive economic zone (EEZ) that will stretch to Greece and then to Italy. The vessel, which is expected to sail into a potential Greek EEZ in July, is sailing southwest of Cyprus under discreet surveillance by the Turkish Navy corvette Bartin.

Turkey considers that most of the area reserved by the Republic of Cyprus for the Italian ship's operations is sitting on the Turkish continental shelf, therefore whenever there is any activity in the area, it sends a vessel to back its claim.

A few days ago Ankara also reacted to the relevant navigational notice (Navtex) issued by the Cypriot authorities.

Turkey is consistent in its reaction to any activity in the maritime space between the Dodecanese in the southeastern Aegean and...

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