Erdoğan condemns xenophobia after alleged child abuse

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has urged the public to avoid xenophobia after allegations surfaced on June 30 that a Syrian national molested a child in the central city of Kayseri.

"One cannot get anywhere with xenophobia in society," Erdoğan stated at a gathering of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) in the capital Ankara on July 1.

The Family and Social Services Ministry said the allegedly molested child, also a Syrian national, is under state protection, and authorities confirmed the suspect's arrest.

The incident occurred on June 30 in the Melikgazi district, sparking outrage among residents. Following the allegations, an angry crowd gathered, intent on seizing the suspect.

Security forces intervened to remove the suspect, but the crowd's actions escalated, resulting in overturned vehicles and fires in shops owned by Syrians.

"Vandalism, setting the streets on fire is unacceptable," Erdoğan said. "The reason for the situation caused by a small group in Kayseri yesterday is the poisonous discourse of the opposition... Resorting to hate speech for the sake of political gain is reprehensible," he added, emphasizing the importance of social peace.

Kayseri Governor Gökmen Çiçek arrived at the scene to calm the crowd, reporting that five police officers were injured during the unrest.

Çiçek, speaking from a nearby apartment balcony, urged the crowd to remain calm.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said in a social media post that 67 people were detained during the intervention.

After the abuse incident unfolded, the group "gathered in the area, acted illegally with an attitude unworthy of our human values and damaged houses, workplaces and vehicles belonging to Syrian nationals," he said.


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