Weather forecast: Unbearable heat across the country – Where will see 42 degrees

The weather will be generally clear across the country today, with clouds developing only in the mainland areas during the midday and afternoon hours. In Epirus, western Macedonia, and possibly the mountainous regions of western Central Greece and the Peloponnese, there will be occasional local showers and isolated thunderstorms.

Winds will be variable and light, with northerly winds in the Aegean reaching 5 to 6 and occasionally 7 Beaufort locally.

Temperatures will remain high, especially in the interior of the mainland, reaching 38 to 40 degrees Celsius, and locally 41 to 42 degrees. In the Ionian, the eastern Aegean islands, the Dodecanese, and southern Crete, temperatures will range from 37 to 39 degrees, and in the rest of the island regions, from 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.


  • Weather: Generally clear. In Macedonia, local clouds will develop during the midday and afternoon hours, with local showers and isolated thunderstorms in western Macedonia.
  • Winds: Variable 2 to 3 Beaufort, and occasionally up to 4 Beaufort in the northeast.
  • Temperature: From 23 to 38-40 degrees Celsius, locally up to 41-42 degrees in central Macedonia. In western Macedonia, the minimum temperature will be 3 to 4 degrees lower.


  • Weather: Generally clear, with local clouds during the midday and afternoon hours.
  • Winds: Variable 2 to 3 Beaufort, and occasionally southerly up to 4 Beaufort.
  • Temperature: From 25 to 39 degrees Celsius.


  • Weather: Generally clear. Local clouds will develop during the midday and afternoon hours, with local showers and isolated thunderstorms in Epirus and possibly in the mountainous areas of western Central Greece and the Peloponnese.
  • Winds: Variable 2 to 3 Beaufort, and westerly northwest in the Ionian up to 4 Beaufort.
  • Temperature: From 24 to 39 degrees Celsius, up to 40-42 degrees in the mainland. In Epirus, the minimum temperature will be 3 to 4 degrees lower.


  • Weather: Generally clear, with local clouds in the mainland during the midday and afternoon hours.
  • Winds: Northerly northeast 4 to 5, and locally up to 6 Beaufort in the east.
  • Temperature: From 26 to 38-40 degrees Celsius, locally up to 41 degrees.


  • Weather: Clear.
  • Winds: Northerly 5 to 6, and locally up to 7 Beaufort.
  • Temperature: From 25 to 34-36 degrees Celsius, up to 37-39 degrees in southern Crete.


  • Weather: Clear.
  • Winds: Northerly northwest 5 to 6 Beaufort.
  • Temperature: From 25 to 37-39 degrees Celsius.


  • Weather: Generally clear, with local clouds during the midday and afternoon hours in the mainland mountainous areas.
  • Winds: Variable 3 to 4 Beaufort.
  • Temperature: From 23 to 39-41 degrees Celsius, locally up to 42 degrees.


  • Weather: Clear.
  • Winds: Northerly northeast 4 to 5, and locally up to 6 Beaufort in the east.
  • Temperature: From 27 to 38-39 degrees Celsius. In the east, the maximum temperature will be 2 to 3 degrees lower.


  • Generally clear weather, with temporary clouds only in the western and northern mountainous areas during the midday and afternoon hours.
  • Winds will be northwesterly 3 to 5 Beaufort in the west, and northerly 3 to 5 Beaufort in the east, reaching 6 and locally 7 Beaufort in the Aegean.
  • Temperatures will remain high, reaching 39-40 degrees Celsius in Macedonia, Thrace, and Epirus, locally up to 41-42 degrees in central Macedonia, 41-42 degrees, and possibly up to 43 degrees in western Central Greece, Thessaly, and western Peloponnese, 40-42 degrees in eastern Central Greece and eastern Peloponnese, 37-39 degrees in the Ionian, eastern Aegean islands, Dodecanese, and southern Crete, 33-36 degrees in the rest of the island regions, and 38-39 degrees Celsius in Attica.

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