Ankara eyes offshore hydrocarbon exploration in Libya, minister says

[Jon Gambrell]/AP]

In an interview published on Friday by the Turkish newspaper Sabah, Turkey's Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar announced that Ankara is seeking to conduct offshore surveys for hydrocarbons in Libyan maritime zones.

Bayraktar emphasized that Libya is a key country for energy resources, noting Turkey's interest in both offshore and onshore oil and natural gas projects there. He mentioned that there are areas where Tripoli and Ankara are nearing an agreement, with potential developments on the horizon.

Bayraktar also highlighted that, for Turkey, the Black Sea is a higher priority for hydrocarbon exploration compared to the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. He stated, "The Mediterranean's potential appears to be higher than that of the Aegean, but the Black Sea holds the most promise. Therefore, our current priorities are: Sakarya province, Black Sea, and Mediterranean."<...

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