Opposition parties slam Supreme Court’s ruling on wiretapping case

[InTime News]

Opposition parties slammed the Supreme Court's ruling on Tuesday in the eavesdropping case, which concluded that no state officials from the National Intelligence Service (EYP) were involved in the use or acquisition of illegal Predator spyware.

The leader of the main opposition SYRIZA party, Stefanos Kasselakis, said in a social media post that the decision had shaken his confidence in the Greek justice system.

"Today, with the decision to archive the EYP Predator scandal, my trust in the Greek judicial system has been seriously shaken. Unfortunately, this is in line with the widespread feeling among the Greek people that justice is no longer the last refuge for the wronged," said Kasselakis, who added that reforms are needed in the way top judges are selected.

The leader of New Left party, Alexis Charitsis, also condemned the Supreme Court's decision on...

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