Opposition demand file on wiretapping scandal is sent to Parliament

[InTime News]

In the wake of the decision by the Supreme Court Prosecutor's Office to shelve the complaints about the wiretapping case related to state bodies such as the National Intelligence Service (EYP), opposition parties SYRIZA, PASOK, New Left and Course for Freedom have formed a common front demanding that the entire case file is sent to Parliament.

They also want the House to summon Supreme Court Prosecutor Georgia Adeilini. SYRIZA has already submitted a request to convene an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on Institutions and Transparency under Rule 43A of the Parliament's Rules of Procedure, asking for the summoning of Adeilini, as well as the deputy prosecutor of the Supreme Court, Achilleas Zisis, "in order to inform the opposition parties, but also to give the members of the committee the entire file of the wiretapping scandal."

According to the official...

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