Procedures for compensations to Attica fire victims are underway – The platform will be open by August 21

By August 21, the platform for support measures for fire victims in Attica will be open, said Deputy Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Christos Triantopoulos, on Wednesday morning.

He mentioned on SKAI that today, the Joint Ministerial Decisions are being issued so that the Government Gazette (FEK) can be published to define the beneficiaries, as the platform already exists but beneficiaries need to be defined each time.

“If we can open it even a day earlier, that would be ideal,” added Mr. Triantopoulos.

It should be noted that for the past two days, inspections have been carried out on buildings in the areas affected by the fire, which caused damage. Inspections of businesses began today, as the government understands the necessity of fast-track procedures to relieve fire victims. This was also the conclusion of yesterday’s meeting to ensure the best possible coordination between the Prime Minister’s Office, ministries, services, organizations, and teams so that the procedures can move as quickly as possible.

During the meeting, it was estimated that the number of houses and businesses suffering severe damage in the affected areas would be fewer than 100. It was also noted that less than 10% of the burned areas are forest lands, as the majority consisted of low vegetation. Of course, the final measurements from the EU’s Copernicus system will reveal the extent of the damage, with the relevant minister, Mr. Kikilias, mentioning on SKAI yesterday about 80,000 stremmata (approximately 8,000 hectares) being burned.

The government has already implemented a package of 14 first-aid measures, while affected municipalities will receive additional funding of over 4.5 million euros.

Meanwhile, teams coordinated by the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection have begun inspections in the affected areas, and crews from DEDDIE (the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator) are restoring damage to the power grid, which is extensive in many areas. Compensation for livestock and plant capital must also proceed quickly, while in the next 24 hours, hospitals evacuated during the crisis will resume operations.


Concerning buildings, the housing assistance scheme has been activated for all buildings (homes, business premises, warehouses, other spaces, etc.), implemented by the GDAPFC (General Directorate for the Rehabilitation of Areas Affected by Natural Disasters). Additionally, the scheme for compensation for household goods and small repair works in homes and for covering the immediate needs of households whose residences were affected by the fire has also been activated, with inspections carried out by the GDAPFC to facilitate the municipalities, which will distribute the aid to beneficiaries.

Citizens can submit applications to each municipality from Wednesday, August 14, 2024, and contact the following phone numbers:

  • Municipality of Marathon: 2294320526 & 2294320578 and Varnava Municipal Office: 2295097249
  • Municipality of Oropos: 2295320306 & 6989475597
  • Municipality of Dionysos: 2132030614-611-603
  • Municipality of Pallini: 6946009986
  • Municipality of Rafina Pikermi: 2294321001
  • Municipality of Penteli: 2132050000 & 2132050002
  • Municipality of Vrilissia: 2132050511 & 6972769914
  • Municipality of Chalandri: 2132023918
  • Municipality of Megara: 2296081841

Regarding damage to businesses (equipment, production means, goods, etc.), the state aid scheme for businesses has been activated, including grants for material damages (equipment, raw materials, goods, commercial vehicles, production means, etc.). This scheme is implemented by the State Aid Committees of the Attica Region in collaboration with the State Aid Directorate of the General Secretariat for the Rehabilitation of Natural Disaster Areas and State Aid.

Business owners can submit applications and contact the Attica Region from Wednesday, August 14, 2024, using the following details:

Eastern Attica Regional Unit:
Development Directorate of Eastern Attica, 17th km Marathonos Avenue, TK 153 51, tel. 2132005310, 2132005290,

Western Attica Regional Unit:
Development Directorate of Western Attica, Heroes of Polytechnic 78, Elefsina, TK 19200, tel. 2132047086, 2132047039, 2132047096,

Northern Sector of Attica Regional Unit:
Development Directorate of Northern Sector, Kifisias Avenue 18, Marousi, TK 151 25, tel. 2132100400 (central number), 2132100420, 2132100402-403 (Secretariat),

Regarding damage in the primary sector, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and ELGA (Greek Agricultural Insurance Organization) have activated their services, with ELGA teams already conducting initial inspections, and its representatives are activated in each municipality of Attica.

The post Procedures for compensations to Attica fire victims are underway – The platform will be open by August 21 appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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