Djuric: Serbia-Azerbaijan partnership result of relationship between two presidents

BAKU - Serbian FM Marko Djuric said in Baku on Sunday his meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev was a sign of great respect for Serbia and a result of a firm friendship whose foundations had been built by Aliyev and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Djuric noted that Azerbaijan was a major economic stronghold for Serbia and that bilateral economic ties were very close, especially in the infrastructure sector, the Serbian MFA said in a statement.

Djuric said that, thanks to meetings like these, as well as to an improved friendship forged in the past several years through immediate cooperation between the energy ministries of the two countries, Serbia had secured supplies of Azerbaijani gas for the winter.

He added that bilateral defence and security cooperation was also highly important.

"Our cooperation on support for territorial integrity...

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