News archive of June 2024

Kosovo-Metohija Serb arrested at Gazimestan

GAZIMESTAN - The so-called Kosovo Police arrested a Kosovo-Metohija Serb from Babin Most at Gazimestan, the site of the 1389 Battle of Kosovo, on Friday.

The man, identified with the initials N M, was taken out of a group of people who attended a memorial service for Serbian warriors who fell in the battle, and driven away in a police vehicle, a Tanjug correspondent reports.

Hatzidakis promises ‘social exchange’ housing program by year’s end

The first tender that will allow private companies to use state-owned real estate for construction in exchange for building social housing alongside commercial properties, will take place before the end of the year, Economy and Finance Minister Kostis Hatzidakis has said.

Sunny and Hot Weekend Ahead for Bulgaria: Temperatures to Reach 36 Degrees

The upcoming weekend will see temperatures soaring to 35-36 degrees, offering sunny and warm weather without any precipitation. On St. Peter's Day, Saturday, a cool north-easterly wind will persist, particularly noticeable along the coast and in the southeast. There will be temporary cloudiness in the afternoon, with minor local showers possible in the mountainous regions.

Vucic: On St Vitus's Day, we remember past, but we want even stronger Serbia in future

BELGRADE - Congratulating all Serbs on St Vitus's Day, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that, on a "day we remember the past," he wanted to point out how much Serbia had changed and how a losing spirit had become a winning one, with the same desire, ambition and objective to transform Serbia even more strongly and more convincingly in the future.

Evelin Banev 'Brendo': Serving Time in Bulgaria, Yet Awaiting Foreign Sentences

Evelin Banev, also known as "Brendo", began serving his six-year prison sentence for money laundering from drug trafficking on Monday, following a 2018 Supreme Court of Cassation decision. Despite being in prison, he is now also under remand custody due to a European Arrest Warrant from Italy and Romania, where he faces additional sentences of 20 and 10 years, respectively.

The case for Greek wines made in Vienna

As a guest country, Greece left its mark at the recent VieVinum major wine exhibition in Vienna with the participation of 22 wineries. Some 1,200 personalities and 550 wineries participated while there was a record attendance of 16,000 people from 58 countries at the Hofburg, the former principal imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty in Austria in the center of Vienna.
