
Country: Serbia Population: 73 330

Film and Chips Festival in 10 cities across Serbia

BELGRADE - The first Film and Chips Festival, which focuses on new British film, will be held simultaneously in 10 cities in Serbia January 16-18, 2015, with identical programmes.

According to a statement from Belgrade's Dom omladine, the festival will premiere some of the most recent work by young British authors.

Send-off for migrating birds in Serbia

NOVI SAD - The Bird Study and Protection Society of Serbia (DZPPS), in cooperation with the bird conservation partnership BirdLife International, organizes the European Birdwatching Weekend in Serbia, and invites nature lovers to choose among the 46 organized tours and learn more about the migrating bird species on October 4-5.

Tribute paid to soldiers of four faiths

CACAK - Wreaths and flowers were laid on Tuesday at the memorial to the soldiers of four faiths at the city cemetery in Cacak, central Serbia, in memory of the WWI fallen in that area, and to mark the anniversary of setting up the memorial.

Serbia's Minister without Portfolio Velimir Ilic noted that the memorial was erected on the initiative of female residents of Cacak in 1934.

Cyprus supports Serbia's EU integration

CACAK - The Republic of Cyprus supports Serbia's EU integration, Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia Nafsika Krousti said in Cacak on Monday.

Cyprus believes Serbia will become a member of the EU and supports and admires the perseverance of the Serbian government and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in pursuing that goal, she told reporters.
