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ELPIDA d.o.o.

Engraving in Ceramic Art | Athens | June 22 & 29

The B&E Goulandris Foundation (13 Eratosthenous, goulandris.gr), partnering with ceramist Elpida Kourtzi, hosts the "Engraving in Ceramic Art: Mugs & Dishes" workshop for adults and teens. Participants will create ceramic utility products inspired by the foundation's collection. The workshop comprises two three-hour sessions.

Ceramic Jewelry | Athens | February 9-23

The Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation's modern art museum (13 Eratosthenous, Pangrati) is organizing a pottery workshop for people over 15 years old, in collaboration with ceramist Elpida Kourtzi, which will span three Fridays in February. Participants will make unique ceramic pieces inspired by the works of the B&E Goulandris Foundation Collection.

My Silly Paintings | Athens | December 20 – January 7

Visual artist and social psychologist Elpida Rikou's solo exhibition at the Or.Artspace (orartspace.com), "My Silly Paintings Are a Nutcracker," may take you back to a time of frustration. The series of drawings made during the pandemic, despite their bright and cheerful colors, portray something introspective and often dark through Rikou's use of language and space.

On Marianna Vardinoyannis

There are two types of philanthropy: the kind that is merely a showcase, and the kind that carries real substance. Marianna Vardinoyannis, who passed away on Monday, epitomized the latter category. Her invaluable contributions to the sensitive field of pediatric cancer have left a lasting impact.

Vardinogiannis family announcement

"It is with great sadness that the family of Vardis I. Vardinogiannis announces that beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Marianna V. Vardinogianni, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, President of the "ELPIDA Association of Friends of Children with cancer", passed away on Monday, July 24.

The funeral service will be held amongst a small family circle"

Obama in Athens to meet members of his Foundation’s Leaders program

Former US President Barack Obama is in Athens on Wednesday where he will meet 105 members of the Barack Obama Foundation Leaders program. 

The meeting will take place without the presence of the public and marks the completion of the six-month journey of the participants for 2023.

A year of weather extremes

In its annual report, the National Observatory's Meteo weather service noted that 2022 was among the warmest years on record, due mainly to an extended heatwave in July and record-high temperatures in December, but also saw unusual levels of snowfall last January, during the storm dubbed Elpida.
