On Marianna Vardinoyannis

[Intime News]

There are two types of philanthropy: the kind that is merely a showcase, and the kind that carries real substance. Marianna Vardinoyannis, who passed away on Monday, epitomized the latter category. Her invaluable contributions to the sensitive field of pediatric cancer have left a lasting impact.

In February 2020, fate brought us together as a family at the Vardinoyannis-Elpida Children's Oncology Unit at Agia Sofia Children's Hospital in Athens. Prior to that, like many others, I had only a vague idea of the extent of this woman's dedication to helping children with cancer. Perhaps, at the time, I didn't even want to know. But life immersed me in this world, and I witnessed firsthand the profound impact of Marianna Vardinoyannis' work.

It was more than just the state-of-the-art facilities and equipment that resembled a high-level private clinic, without the typical...

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