Metallic object sparks new theories over Hillary Clinton’s health (video)

The seemingly endless list of conspiracy theories related to Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, offered up yet another bucket of conjecture after the Democratic nominee left a 9/11 memorial ceremony due to a medical event (originally described as her “feeling overheated” and later attributed to pneumonia). The event produced an endlessly replayed video that showed Clinton being helped into a van by members of her security detail and stumbling as she stepped off the curb to enter the vehicle, rekindling medicals rumours ranging from claims that she is prone to seizures to an assertion that she is suffering from Parkinson’s disease. That video later prompted yet another conspiracy-theory when intense scrutiny of it revealed what looked to be a tubular metallic object falling out of her right pants leg onto the ground as she was being assisted into a curbside vehicle. Of course, it wasn’t possible to determine from the video whether the object in question actually fell out of her pants leg or was dropped by someone else around her, much less identify exactly what that “mysterious” object might have been. That didn’t prevent a wide range of speculation, however, everything from claims that the curious incident proves Hillary Clinton wears leg or hip braces to suggestions that it demonstrates she is really a cyborg or robot with a metal endoskeleton. Crazy conspiracy theories aside, after the latest video has come to light, it has become apparent that Hillary Clinton’s health condition is now a topic that should be openly discussed in the public sphere, after her campaign team and media outlets had simply brushed it off as conspiracies.

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