Fresh Probes Threaten Kosovo Party's Power

After the prosecution in Kosovo opened a probe into seven more officials of the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK - accused of involvement in a wiretap scandal - the party that has long dominated the country is in danger of crumbling, some experts say.

"The charges facing senior officials of the PDK are seriously damaging it. But avoiding legal and moral responsibility could damage the PDK even more," Bekim Baliqi, a political science professor at Pristina University, told BIRN.

Kosovo's Special Prosecutor on Tuesday expanded an investigation initially opened against PDK parliamentarian Adem Grabovcit over leaked wiretaps of conversations.

These allegedly showed that PDK officials influenced public-sector appointments and decision-making processes within institutions, government agencies and public enterprises.

The investigation will now also include Besim Beqaj, the former Economy Minister, Zenun Pajaziti, a PDK MP, Fatmir Shurdhaj, Vice-Minister of Labour and Welfare, Njazi Kryeziu, the former chairman of Prizren municipality, Arbenita Pajaziti, a former Health Ministry officer, Ilhami Gashi, the former general secretary in the Interior Ministry and Sedat Gashi, a political adviser in the Interior Ministry.

"The removal of these officials must happen as soon as possible and without exception," Baliqi says.

"On the other hand, it also brings the risk of creating party factions [but] if no measures are taken against these officials, the PDK may be on the path of self-destruction," he adds.

The Kosovo website started publishing conversations held between Grabovci, head of the PDK's parliamentary group, and various PDK officials, in August.

The tapes were made between November and December 2011 when...

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