Detention warrants issued for 7 suspects in Gülen case, including famous Turkish singer

Relatives of the suspects wait in front of the entrance of Silivri Prison.

Detention warrants were issued for seven suspects in a case into the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) late on March 31. 

Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on March 31 issued the warrants for Atilla Taş, Ali Akkuş, Hüseyin Aydın, Murat Aksoy, Mustafa Erkan Acar, Seyid Kılıç and Yetkin Yıldız, who were being tried in a case into the "media leg" of the followers of the U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen and for whom release decision was issued for on March 31, over a case into the July 15, 2016, failed coup attempt.

The detention warrants were issued over "attempting to remove the constitutional order" and "attempting to remove the government of the Turkish Republic," while the reason for detentions was cited as the evidence regarding the suspects, the characteristics of the offence charged and the risk of fleeing. 

The detention warrants were issued hours after Istanbul 25th Heavy Penal Court ruled for the release of a total of 21 suspects, including famous singer Atilla Taş, in the "media leg" case.  

As a part of the investigation, in which seven warrants were issued for, detention warrants were previously issued for Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Yakup Çetin, Bünyamin Köseli, Cihan Acar, Abdullah Kılıç and Oğuz Usluer.

Thus, a detention warrants were issued for a total of 13 suspects out of the 21, for whom the court ruled for release. 

Moreover, the hearing prosecutor objected the release decision for Hanım Büşra Erdal, Ahmet Memiş, Bayram Kaya, Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Cuma Ulus, Habib Güler, Halil İbrahim Balta and Muhammet Said Kuloğlu and Istanbul 26th Heavy Penal Court accepted the objection. 

Hence, the 21 suspects for whom release decision was given couldn't be released at this...

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