Russia asks Bosnia to stop sending arms to Ukraine

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Russia asks Bosnia to stop sending arms to Ukraine

MOSCOW -- The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has appealed on Bosnia-Herzegovina to stop arms shipments to the Ukrainian military.

The ministry's website said Moscow was reacting to statements that ammunition made in Bosnia was used in the war in Ukraine.

"We are concerned that these are used by the Ukranian security forces to bombard cities and kill civilians. The results of such inhumane moves are seen in many cities and villages in southeastern Ukraine," a statement said.

Besides this, the ministry appealed on the authorities of Bosnia-Herzegovina to abandon their intention to send weapons to Kiev.

"Such plans are contrary to international standards and obligations of OSCE member-states. Such a move, especially at this time when violence has escalated in southeastern Ukraine, will not help find a peaceful solution but will lead to new civilian victims," the Russian MFA said.

Earlier this month, Bosnian Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Boris Tucic - who comes from the country's Serb entity - announced he was resigning in protest over Sarajevo's decision to send four shipments of ammunition to Ukraine.

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