“Alexis Tsipras Institute” on the prospects of the Greek economy

Dealing with the issue of price inflation and the prospects of the Greek economy are the focus of the “Alexis Tsipras Institute” event currently taking place at the Municipal Theatre of Piraeus.

According to the official program of the event, economists, politicians, and experts from Greece and abroad will take part in the thematic discussions and will exchange views on the accuracy and propose solutions to the challenges facing the Greek economy.



The event will close with a speech by Alexis Tsipras.

Former Deputy Economy Minister Giorgos Houliarakis opened the conference, referring to the challenges and prospects of the Greek economy. He was followed by Mr. CJiorgos Ioannidis, who presented the KEPE survey on “Estimation of Consumer Price Index for households based on their income”. Meanwhile, Stratos Fanaras and Yannis Balabanidis presented a survey by Metron Analysis on “Accuracy and the cost of living”.

Petros Kokkalis and Olga Gerovassili at the Alexis Tsipras Institute event

On the podium, former deputy economy minister George Houliarakis

Independent MP Athena Linou

Alexis Tsipras with the President of the Professional Chamber of Commerce Mr. Hadjitheodosiou

Alexis Tsipras and Petros Kokkalis

Yannis Dragasakis, Louka Katseli and Alexis Tsipras

Experts in energy policy, such as Economist Science Oikonomopoulou from Clifford Chance, and housing policy specialists like Thomas Maloutas, Emeritus Professor in the Geography Department at Harokopio University, along with Maria Karagianni from Major Urban Housing Programs in Thessaloniki, and Takis Korkolis, Director of the ENA Institute, will discuss the critical importance of addressing rising costs and inequalities. They will emphasize the need for policies that protect public goods and services while ensuring healthy competition in the market, free from cartel-like practices/

In the second part of the event, three former ministers of economy from progressive governments will engage in a discussion. They are Nikos Christodoulakis, Minister of Economy and Finance from 2001 to 2004; Louka Katseli, Minister of Economy and Minister of Labor from 2009 to 2011; and Giannis Dragasakis, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy from 2015 to 2019. They will share their proposals for aligning with EU standards, tackling the cost of living crisis, and promoting sustainable economic development.

Additionally, Lucie Castets, the candidate for Prime Minister from the New Popular Front in France, will contribute to the discussion. She will share insights from her country and talk about the potential for developing a government program in Europe that unites progressive forces.

The post “Alexis Tsipras Institute” on the prospects of the Greek economy appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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