Inquiry requests put in for 9 deputies including CHP's K?l?çdaro?lu

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Investigation authorization report for a total of nine deputies, including the Republican People?s Party (CHP) Kemal K?l?çdaro?lu, have been sent to the parliament at the same time, as two separate criminal investigations into Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP) co-leaders Selahattin Demirta? and Figen Yüksekda?.
An investigation authorization report is an official document that provides legal ground to launch investigations into Turkish parliament members? actions. Five of the nine reports were submitted against CHP deputies, while there were two submitted against HDP deputies and one against a Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy.

Reports submitted against CHP deputies include K?l?çdaro?lu, as well as deputy head Haluk Koç, secretary general Gürsel Tekin and deputies Aykut Erdo?du and Aytu? At?c?.

Two other reports for investigation were submitted against HDP?s Pervin Buldan and Faysal Sar?y?ld?z. 
Another one was submitted by the AKP deputy Suat Önal.

All investigation authorization reports were signed by Deputy Prime Minister Yalç?n Akdo?an.

HDP ??rnak deputy Faysal Sar?y?ld?z?s report was issued due to the allegation of ?supplying weapons to terrorist groups.? 

Meanwhile, two separate investigations have been launched against HDP co-leaders Demirta? and Yüksekda? over allegations of ?inciting and arming a part of society against another part? and ?propagandizing terrorist organizations,? respectively.

Investigation into HDP co-chairs

The Diyarbak?r Chief Public Prosecutor?s Office launched an investigation into Demirta??s call last year for people to take to the streets to protest the siege and massacre of Kurds in the Syrian border town of Kobane by Islamic State of Iraq and the...

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