Directorate for Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism

Forensic report says bones found at alleged criminal's home belong to teen girl (sources)

Bone fragments collected from the home of alleged criminal Gheorghe Dinca in Caracal belong to a girl aged 15 to 17 years, show the results of a forensic anthropological analysis conducted by the National Institute of Legal Medicine (INML), according to sources with the institute.

CVM board convenes to discuss preparations for EC's next progress report

Preparations for the next European Commission's evaluation mission under the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (MCV) that reports on Romania's progress with judiciary reform and the fight against corruption were the objective of a meeting of the CVM board at the headquarters of the Justice Ministry (MJ).

JusMin Cazanciuc submits to President his pick for DIICOT chief prosecutor

Justice Minister Robert Cazanciuc has submitted to President Klaus Iohannis his recommendation for Daniel Constantin Horodniceanu to be appointed chief prosecutor of the Directorate for Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT).

Photo credit: (c) Silviu MATEI / AGERPRES PHOTO