Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF)

According to a Study Most Bulgarians do not Want Snap Elections

According to a survey conducted in January by Mediana polling agency, 43% of the Bulgarians in the cities want GERB to complete its term of office. 28% voted for early elections, reports BNT. 

For six months, the number of people who want early elections has not increased, and those who want GERB to complete its term of office have dropped by 3%.

48% of Bulgarians will Vote in the European Elections

According to a survey by Alpha Research polling agency, at the end of December 48% of the Bulgarians said they would vote in the European elections. Every second from the rest will either not vote or has not yet decided how to proceed. The survey was conducted from 14 to 19 December among a nationally representative sample of 1,027 adult Bulgarians, reports BNT. 

If the Elections in Bulgaria were in mid-December, only GERB, BSP and MRF would Enter Parliament

If parliamentary elections were held in mid-December, GERB would retain its first position with 23.5% of the votes, followed by the Socialists (BSP) with 20.8%. These numbers are close to those received in the October survey by Exacta, when GERB had an electoral share of 23.7%, and BSP - 20.1%. The distance between GERB and BSP has remained unchanged since the beginning of the year.

Bulgarian Minister of Defence: Four Countries Fund Radical Islam in Bulgaria

"Four countries fund the manifestations of radical Islamism in Bulgaria. Target is the Roma population, ghettos in particular. " Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov said during his visit to Rousse. The recent case, with a Bulgarian citizen arrested and convicted in Austria, is proof of this in his view.

Parliament's Budget Committee Rejected President's Veto on Tax Laws

Parliament's budget committee members on 15th of November rejected the President's veto on tax laws. The MPs from the ruling coalition of GERB and United Patriots voted against the heads of state's remarks. The veto was supported by the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and from the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF).
