National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology

Maximum Temperatures Today in Bulgaria mostly between 14°C and 19°C

Today, low layered clouds are expected in plains and around water bodies. Around noon and into the afternoon the cloud will start to break, visibility will improve. It will be mostly sunny in the mountains. There will be light to moderate east-northeast wind. Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 14°C and 19°C.

Some Low Clouds or Fog in Eastern Bulgaria and in the Plains, Sunny in the Rest of the Country

Today in East Bulgaria and the plains there will be low clouds or fog, temporary visibility improvements will be in the afternoon. Above the rest of the country it will be mostly sunny. It will blow mild eastern wind . Maximum temperatures will be between 17 ° and 22 °.

Maximum Temperatures in Bulgaria Today between 20° and 25°C

Today there will be low clouds or fog along the river valleys, in the lowlands and in Eastern Bulgaria. In the afternoon, the visibility will improve for some time and the clouds will break. Over Western and Central Bulgaria, there will be considerable high cloudiness during most of the day. Light to moderate wind from east-northeast.

Mostly Sunny Today, with Temperatures in the Range of 24°C to 29°C

Today it will be mostly sunny with more clouds in the afternoon. Rainfall is unlikely. There will be light southern wind, sometimes strong to the north of the mountains.

Maximum temperatures mostly in the range of 24°C to 29°C, in Sofia about 22°C. The atmospheric pressure will remain close to the average for the month.

Mostly Sunny Today in Bulgaria, Rainfall is Unlikely

Today it will be mostly sunny with more clouds in the afternoon. Rainfall is unlikely. There will be light southern wind, sometimes strong to the north of the mountains. Maximum temperatures mostly in the range of 24°C to 29°C, in Sofia about 22°C. The atmospheric pressure will remain close to the average for the month.

Mostly Sunny Today in Bulgaria, Temperatures to Rise Significantly

It will be mostly sunny today. There will be moderate northwest wind, which will decrease into the evening and become southwesterly. Daily temperatures will rise significantly and the maximums will reach 17°C to 22°C. This is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, meteorologist Krasimir Stoev told Focus News Agency.
