Patriotic Front

Bulgaria's Parliament Overrides Presidential Veto on Election Rules

Bulgaria's Parliament rejected on Wednesday the presidential veto on disputed changes to election rules concerning the opening of polling stations abroad.

The veto imposed by President Rosen Plevneliev last week was rejected by 135 members of the 240-seat National Assembly.

Bulgaria's GERB Party to Consider Reaction to President's Veto on New Voting Rules Tuesday

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borisov will meet GERB leadership and MPs on Tuesday to decide what course of action the biggest partner in the governing coalition will take after  President Rosen Plevneliev said he would veto disputed changes to the Electoral Code concerning voting abroad.

Proposal to Ban Face-Covering Veils Also Tabled in Bulgaria's Plovdiv

A ban on the use of veils covering most of the face is also to be considered in Plovdiv, Bulgaria's second largest city.

A proposal has been submitted by municipal councilors from the nationalist Patriotic Front coalition, Darik Radio reports citing Aleksandar Sidi from VMRO, which is one of PF's two main parties.

Electoral Code: Bulgaria Eases Restrictions on Polling Stations Abroad

Bulgarian lawmakers have backtracked on a blanket ban on opening polling stations outside of Bulgaria's diplomatic missions to other countries.

Under the new rules approved on Thursday afternoon, the restrictions will not be in force for the territory of the EU where there are embassies or consulates.
