Akın Atalay

Trial of daily Cumhuriyet journalists, executives enters fourth day

The trial of daily Cumhuriyet journalists and executives entered its fourth day on July 27. 

Journalist Hikmet Çetinkaya was the first to testify in the fourth hearing.
The charges directed at the Cumhuriyet journalists include "membership of an armed terrorist organization" and "helping an armed terrorist organization while not being a member of it."

Inside the courtroom

After a long time, we had a chance to see our colleagues from daily Cumhuriyet. We were all packed into a mid-size courtroom, which felt like a Finnish sauna, on the first floor of the Çağlayan Courthouse. This was the first time 12 of them were brought before a judge after nine months. Nevertheless, the audience was as energetic as though they were in a rock concert.

Trial of Turkish daily Cumhuriyet journalists, executives continues on second day

The trial of seventeen executives and journalists from the daily Cumhuriyet, including the newspaper's editor-in-chief Murat Sabuncu, Ahmet Şık Kadri Gürsel and cartoonist Musa Kart, went on to its second day on July 25.

Eleven of the 17, including Gürsel, Sabuncu, Kart and Şık, are held in custody, while the others have already been freed.

Cumhuriyet columnists, executives to be heard on Press Freedom Day in Turkey as court accepts indictment

A trial against daily Cumhuriyet columnists and executives will begin on July 24, Press Freedom Day in Turkey, after an Istanbul court accepted an indictment into a total of 19 suspects on April 18, nearly five months after an investigation was launched.

Euro court to give priority to daily Cumhuriyet case

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has decided to prioritize the case of the jailed journalists and executives of Turkish daily newspaper Cumhuriyet, stating that it will investigate the case "as soon as possible."

Previously, the court had made the same decision about jailed Turkish journalists Ahmet Altan, Mehmet Altan, Atilla Taş and Murat Aksoy.

Cumhuriyet staff demand indictment as soon as possible, say they have no access to books to read

The arrested staff of daily Cumhuriyet have demanded that their indictment be prepared as soon as possible in the hopes that they can be tried without arrest, said opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) lawmaker Utku Çakırözer, who visited the journalists in Istanbul's Silivri jail, the daily reported Nov. 25. 
