Christos Stylianides

EU suspends funding to refugee NGO following claims of sexual abuse, corruption

The European Union has suspended funding to a non-government organization (NGO) aiding refugees in Greece pending an investigation into allegations of sexual exploitation and financial corruption, a spokesman for European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides has said.

Vulin: More funds for efforts to deal with migrant crisis

BRUSSELS - Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment and Social and Veteran Affairs Aleksandar Vulin spoke on Friday with European Commissioners Johannes Hahn and Christos Stylianides about a continuation of European Commission financial assistance to Serbia to help it deal with the aftermath of the migrant crisis.

Vulin: Serbia to get 6 mln euros more in humanitarian aid

BRUSSELS - Serbia will get around 6 million euros more in humanitarian assistance to deal with the migrant crisis, Minister of Labour, Employment and Veteran and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin said Tuesday after a meeting with Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, in Brussels.

Serbia to get 6 mln euros in humanitarian aid to deal with migrant crisis

Berkasovo, 20. oktobra 2015 - Migranti sa Bliskog istoka u privremenom smestaju u blizini srpsko-hrvatske granice kod Berkasova. Na granici izmedju Srbije i Hrvatske vise stotina izbeglica sa Bliskog istoka ceka da udje u Hrvatsku, posto je prelaz Berkasovo-Bapska, kod Sida, hrvatska granicna policija zatvorila u 11 sati. FOTO TANJUG / MARKO DJOKOVIC / tj

Serbia to get EUR 6mn more to deal with migrant crisis

Serbia will get around 6 million euros more in humanitarian assistance to deal with the migrant crisis, Aleksandar Vulin said on Tuesday.

The minister of labor, employment and veteran and social affairs spoke after a meeting in Brussels with Christos Stylianides, European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.
