Christos Stylianides

EU to press Turkey for help in anti-ISIL fight

New European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini was to meet Turkish leaders Dec. 8 for talks expected to focus partly on the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in neighboring Syria.

"The Syrian crisis is going to be one of the key issues on her agenda," an EU official told AFP on Dec. 8. Turkey's EU membership ambitions were also up for discussion.

Turkey and the EU focus on ‘updated’ customs union agreement

The issue of updating the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU will be on the agenda of a visit from three EU officials to Ankara, sources tell HDN The issue of updating the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU to reflect Ankara’s concerns about the EU’s free trade agreements with third parties will be on the agenda of a visit from three high ranking EU officials to Ankara on Dec.

EU Increases Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine by EUR 3.3 M

The European Commission is to increase its humanitarian assistance and recovery aid to Ukraine in order to meet the immediate needs of inhabitants of the conflict-ridden region.

The EU is providing an additional EUR 3.3 M to help those most affected by the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine in view of the approaching winter.
