Georgi Kostov

State Agency for Refugees To Survey Land Plots for New Centres

"The state is surveying land plots for new refugee centres on the entire territory of the country," stated the Commissioner General of the Interior Ministry, Georgi Kostov, during his visit to Harmanli together with the Chairwoman of the State Agency for Refugees, Petya Parvanova. The reason is that existing centres are now full.

Bulgaria Police Checking Officers' Links to People Smugglers

Police are looking into possible links of offers to people smuggling migrants into Bulgaria, an official has said.

The suspects are working at a police pepartment in the town of Velingrad, next to the border with Turkey, the Interior Ministry's Chief Secretary Georgi Kostov has told private NOVA TV station.

Bulgaria Govt Launching Validity Check for Drivers' Licenses

The Bulgarian government has said it is starting checks of driving licenses that could be "subject to manipulation".

Measures related to "fake examination protocols" have been discussed by officials at a Friday meeting to root out practices that call into question the proper issuance of a number of licenses in Bulgaria.
