Merkel’s revelations on Greece’s three memorandum Prime Ministers: Insights into Papandreou, Samaras, and Tsipras
Unfamiliar but historic moments from Greece’s nearly decade-long fiscal adventure are revealed for the first time in the pages of a memoir by one of the key players of the period, none other than former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
French President Macron meets with President Pavlopoulos (photos) (watch live)
Shooting in Paris! Hollande: “We are convinced it was terrorist attack” (VIDEOS-PHOTOS-Upd.11)
President Hollande said: “We are convinced the motive is likely to be terrorism.”
Fillon has stated that “[T]he fight against terrorism must be the absolute priority of the next French president.”
Marine Le Pen and Francois Fillon have cancelled their scheduled campaigns for Friday.
French establishment delay bombshell extrimism report until after election!
One-third of young Muslims in France reportedly think terrorism is “acceptable,” according to a new study from CNRS.
Merkel offered Japan opportunity to join NATO
BELGRADE – German Chancellor Angela Merkel unexpectedly proposed that Japan join the NATO alliance during a dinner meeting with Japanese Prime Minister last March, The Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported on Saturday. “Shinzo, why not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization?” Merkel asked Abe. “I can convince British Prime Minister Cameron and French President Hollande,” she
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Cameron offers France airbase in Cyprus in anti-ISIL fight
British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged strong support to France in its bid to gain international backing for efforts to crush the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant group in the wake of the Paris attacks and offered the use of its airbase on the Cyprus island.
EU interior ministers meeting in progress
Interior ministers of European Union were called to an emergency meeting in Brussels as a result of the terrorists attacks occurred in Paris a week ago and during which 129 people were killed and hundreds were wounded.
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Turkey condemns terror attacks in Paris
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu have offered condolences to France and expressed solidarity in the wake of gun attacks that killed over 120 people.
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ALDE Chief Guy Verhofstadt speaks with PT: “Greek govt must show it is serious”
Head of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) group in the European Parliament Guy Verhofstadt spoke with Proto Thema prior to his meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Monday at 1 p.m. The former Belgian prime minister spoke of the challenges that lie before Greece and pointed to the need for real reforms.
Greeks show thanks to French for support in EU Summit
The French and the Greek people have a long-standing mutual respect for one another. This relationship, despite its ups and down, is embedded in the psyche of the two countries. It surfaced again recently when French technocrats offered their expertise to the Greek government to draw up a last minute set of proposals to help the Greeks avert a disorderly exit from the Eurozone.