EU interior ministers meeting in progress

Interior ministers of European Union were called to an emergency meeting in Brussels as a result of the terrorists attacks occurred in Paris a week ago and during which 129 people were killed and hundreds were wounded.

The emergency meeting will focus on strengthening Schengen borders and information sharing between intelligence services. The Europeans will try to reach agreement on internal border controls, since many member countries ask for border security checks to return.

Interior Minister of France, Bernard Cazeneuve, said Europe lost too much time in the batlle against terrorism while Deputy Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas clarified that the external borders of Europe, and specifically Greece;s borders, are guarded and refugees are identified in accordance with European standards.

Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos stressed that “this is the right time to go a step further by creating a European Intelligence Agency”.

President Hollande spoke yesterday about the need for strict controls before receiving refugees on European ground, while Interior Minister warned that the issue of refugee control should be settled very soon.

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