Le Pen

France votes under tight security

France voted on April 23 under heavy security in the first round of the most unpredictable presidential election in decades, with the outcome seen as vital for the future of the beleaguered European Union.

Far-right leader Marine Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron were the favorites to progress to a run-off on May 7.

France votes, the world “holds” its breath

Europe and the rest of the word are on the edge of their seats as nearly 47 million French voters are going to the voting booths to choose their candidate in the first round of the French Presidential elections on Sunday, April 23. Voting has already began after the conclusion of an acrimonious campaign between the four major candidates.

Most French police officers say they are voting for Marine Le Pen

More than half of police officers in France have said they are voting for far-right candidate Marine Le Pen in Sunday’s election because of her strong anti-terror stance.

According to the IFOP poll, 51 per cent of the Gendarmerie are planning to back Le Pen in the nail-biting election.

Shooting in Paris! Hollande: “We are convinced it was terrorist attack” (VIDEOS-PHOTOS-Upd.11)

President Hollande said: “We are convinced the motive is likely to be terrorism.”

Fillon has stated that “[T]he fight against terrorism must be the absolute priority of the next French president.”

Marine Le Pen and Francois Fillon have cancelled their scheduled campaigns for Friday.

France arrests over ‘pre-election attack plot’

Five days before the first round of France’s presidential election, two men have been arrested on suspicion of planning an imminent attack.

The suspects, aged 23 and 29, were detained in Marseille by elite police and domestic intelligence agents after a search that had lasted several days.

Both men are French citizens said to have been radicalised in prison.

Marine Le Pen: Euro is a “knife in the ribs” of the French

French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen told a political rally on Sunday that the euro currency which she wants France to ditch was like a knife in the ribs of the French people.

The leader of the eurosceptic National Front (FN) also told the rally in the city of Bordeaux that the forthcoming election for president could herald a “change in civilization”.

Russia reserves right to meet any French politician it wants to – Putin to Le Pen (VIDEO)

President Putin has told French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen in Moscow that Russia has no intentions to influence the French elections, but reserves the right to meet any French politicians it wishes.
“We attach a lot of importance to our relations with France, trying to maintain smooth relations with both the acting power and the opposition representatives,” Putin said.
