Miroslav Lajcak

UN Top Job: 'Decisive' Straw Poll to Be Held on Monday

The United Nations Security Council is set to conduct an informal vote on Monday, September 26, that is thought to be decisive in the race for the next UN Secretary General.

The ambassadors of 15 countries to the UN (the 15 ones currently in the Security Council) will be able to "encourage", "discourage" or give "no opinion" each one of the nine candidates.

Revival or Survival of the EU - What to Expect from Informal Summit

Novinite is publishing an article authored by Miroslav Lajčák, Slovakia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the occasion of the forthcoming informal EU Summit in Bratislava on Septemer 16, Friday.

Slovakia is currently holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 

Jeremic remains third in vote to select new UN secretary-general

NEW YORK - A fourth round of the vote to select the new UN secretary-general was held at the UN headquarters in New York Friday, with former Portuguese PM Antonio Guterres still leading the race as Serbia's candidate Vuk Jeremic remains in third position, but with two more encourage votes than in the previous round.

Turkey, EU discuss migrant road map ahead of summit

Turkey's foreign and EU ministers have met with ministers from across Europe in Istanbul to discuss the handling of the migrant crisis ahead of an EU ministers meeting in the Netherlands on April 11-12.

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu and EU Minister Volkan Bozk?r hosted ministers from the Netherlands, which holds the EU presidency, France, Slovakia and Portugal on April 9.
