Murat Karay

Turkish presidential spokesperson accuses BBC of 'indirectly supporting' PKK

The Turkish president's office has criticized the BBC for an interview with a leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), suggesting that the interview was aimed at portraying the group's "rhetoric as if they are reasonable and legitimate demands."

Is the resolution process re-starting?

It is difficult, I am aware, to talk about civilian resolution endeavors when urban wars are fought against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and when soldier funerals are happening in hometowns. There are signs from the PKK front concerning the start of the resolution process. The state has not started evaluating this yet.

Turkey, the U.S., the PKK and ISIL

A day after U.S. Ambassador to Ankara John Bass told reporters on April 7 that the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) should lay down arms, he was responded to by a major PKK figure, who said the U.S. should instead put pressure on Turkey. Zübeyr Aydar, a Brussels-based chief of PKK front organization the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), said what the U.S.

Would the PKK change?

In the past year we all lived through a major experience; while we were talking about the resolution process, we found ourselves in a grave war environment. The number of killed soldiers has exceeded 300; the number of terrorists killed is past 3,000, it is reported. 

Gülen, PKK leaders remain on Turkey's 'most wanted' list

The Interior Ministry has updated its list of "wanted terrorists," which with 101 new names added now includes a total of 676 names.

In total, the list included 583 names linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

The ministry ranks those included on the list in five color-coded categories from red (most wanted), down to blue, green, orange and grey.

Turkey releases new most wanted list that includes Fethullah Gülen

Turkey published a list of its most wanted terrorists on Oct. 28, including Islamic Scholar Fethullah Gülen, leaders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The list carries the names and details of 728 people, ranking them in five color-coded categories from red (the most wanted) to blue, green, orange and grey.

Huge financial rewards offered for terrorism suspects

A number of hefty financial rewards have been offered to those who give police information which leads to the arrest of around 200 people wanted on terrorism-related charges, with senior figures from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) such as Murat Karay?lan and Cemil Bay?k topping the "leaders of terrorism" lists, in a new strategy instituted to fight terrorism amid an upsurge in viol
