Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Erdo?an 'makes his own fashion,' Turkey's semi-official agency says

Better known by his day job of running the country as president of the Turkish Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has found a new pursuit to draw some of his time: Making his own fashion.

Turkey?s semi-official news agency went the extra mile by interviewing a fashion designer and three top-level managers of Turkish fashion brands about Erdo?an?s new sartorial departure.

How many kids?

The concepts of birth control or family planning were most talked about in Turkey in the 1960s and ‘70s; the state developed policies on this. Those who were doing them, were they traitors trying to dry up our generation?

Let us take a look at the history laboratory.

Romantic approaches to Ottoman

In some party conventions of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), banners in "Ottoman" are being hung.

One was not written in Ottoman. In other words, it was not Turkish written in the Arabic script, it was Arabic. Upon the warning of a former Cabinet Minister Nihat Ergün, it was taken down.

Turkish company offers Ottoman domain names

Turkey's recent plans to revive the Ottoman language have found a surprising new outlet, as an Istanbul-based company is now offering Ottoman-related domain names and hosting services.

"Catch the Ottoman trend," reads one advertisement, featuring a Turkish sultan sitting on a sofa telling the viewer to "Register in no time."

Serbia, Turkey connected by deep-rooted ties, solid future

BELGRADE - Turkey's Ambassador to Serbia Mehmet Kemal Bozay has hosted a reception to mark the Turkish national holiday, Republic Day, and said that Serbian-Turkish ties have deep roots and a promising, solid future.

The ties are developing in all areas and are beneficial to not only Serbia and Turkey, but the broader region as well, he said at late Wednesday's ceremony.
