Fears of Fico Return and What It Might Mean for Slovak Democracy
The ride was always likely to be bumpy given the combative characters of OLaNO leader Igor Matovic and Richard Sulik of the conservative Freedom & Solidarity (SaS) party. But amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the fact the coalition has lasted this long is already something of a surprise to many.
Slovakia’s Remade Government: Old Wine in a New Bottle
Still, describing Heger's cabinet as "new" is arguably a step too far. Heger from the OLaNO (Ordinary People and Independent Personalities) movement merely swapped seats with party leader Matovic, and five of the six ministers who resigned during the crisis have since returned to their posts, with the only new face at the health department.
Instead of Celebrations, Crisis Defines Slovak Government’s First Anniversary
Anti-Corruption Party Tops Vote in Slovakia Election
In the first parliamentary election since the murder two years ago of journalist Jan Kuciak, the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OLANO) party took almost 25 per cent of the vote, compared with 18.5 per cent for SMER-SD.
It was SMER-SD's first loss in a general election since 2006 and its worst showing at the ballot box since 2002.