Petra Grah Lazar

NBI boss confirms charges filed over Covid emergency procurement

Ljubljana – Petra Grah Lazar, director of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), has confirmed for the news portal Siol that the bureau has referred to the prosecution a criminal complaint in an abuse of office investigation into the purchases of personal protective equipment and ventilators during the early stages of the Covid-19 epidemic.

Police officials deny political interference in police

Ljubljana – Former police commissioners Andrej Jurič in Anton Travner, National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) director Petra Grah Lazar and her predecessor Andrej Lamberger denied political interference in the work of the police and police staffing as they were heard before a parliamentary inquiry into political interference in the police on Friday.

Police commissioner: Indications some investigations politically motivated

Ljubljana – Police Commissioner Anton Olaj, who took over in late January, told the newspaper Delo in an interview run on Saturday there were indications some police investigations had been politically motivated.

Olaj would not elaborate on details of politically motivated investigations in the police but he noted that the success of criminal procedure depended most on prosecution.