Rasa Popov

Rasa Popov dies at 84

Tanjug/Rade Prelić

Rasa Popov, legendary Serbian writer, publisher, actor and longtime broadcast journalist, associate of Mokrinski newspapers, star of children's TV show Tips & Tricks (Fazoni i Fore), died last night around 23 hours in Belgrade at the age of 84.

Rasa has died after a long illness.

Party warns that "1990s are back"

Party warns that "1990s are back"

BELGRADE -- Serbian society is unsafe today, the 1990s are returning, says the Social Democratic Party (SDS) spokesman Konstantin Samofalov.

According to him, "it is clear to everybody that freedom of the media is under threat in our country, and censorship and self-censorship increasingly common."

SDS: Society unsafe, 1990s are back

BELGRADE - Serbian society is unsafe today, the 1990s are returning and it is clear to everybody that freedom of the media is under threat in our country, and censorship and self-censorship are increasingly common, Konstantin Samofalov, spokesman for the Social Democratic Party (SDS), said Wednesday.

Pre-teen delinquents assault veteran writer and journalist

Pre-teen delinquents assault veteran writer and journalist

BELGRADE -- Two brothers aged 10 and 11 have assaulted Serbia's well-known writer and television journalist Raša Popov.

The daily Blic writes that the 81-year-old was targeted by the pair that already have "more than 300 robbery and theft complaints filed against them."