
Entrepreneurial hackathon to kick off

A hackathon on migration and entrepreneurship, called the "Migathon," is set to kick off on Jan. 8 with the participation of Turks and Syrian asylum seekers.

The event will take place between Jan. 8 and 10. Turks and Syrian asylum seekers residing in Turkey's Istanbul, Şanlıurfa, Adana, Mersin, Bursa, İzmir, Ankara, Konya and Hatay provinces will be able to participate.

Turkey nabs nearly 2,200 irregular migrants last week

A total of 2,161 irregular migrants were held across Turkey over the past week, according to data compiled by Anadolu Agency from security sources.

As many as 1,320 migrants were held in multiple operations carried out by gendarmerie forces in the northwestern Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ provinces, bordering Greece and Bulgaria.

Rahşan Ecevit, wife of late prime minister, laid to rest

Rahşan Ecevit, wife and closest confidant of late Turkish Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, was laid to rest in the capital province of Ankara on Jan. 19.

Ecevit died at the Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, where she had been receiving treatment since Dec. 26, on Jan. 17 at the age of 97.

She died in the intensive care unit due to multiple organ failure at around 9.10 p.m.

Ankara welcomes 2020's first snowfall

The General Directorate of Meteorology has announced that snowfall expected in the high parts of Ankara province.

Ankara woke up with cold and snowy weather on Jan. 6 and snowfall in the high parts of the city accelerated.

An official statement has not yet been made as to whether there is a snow holiday for schools in Ankara.

Turkish Court Issues Detention Warrants for 70 FETÖ-Linked Military Staff

Detention warrants have been issued for 70 Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ)-linked suspects in the military in Konya-based operations carried out in seven Turkish provinces, reports said Tuesday, Daily Sabah reported.

Police squads carried out simultaneous raids to detain 62 suspects in the Turkish Air Forces, four in the navy, and two in the gendarmerie.

Ankara municipality to cut down 8,000 trees for additional roads passing through ODTÜ: Deputy

The Ankara municipality will cut down 8,000 trees for additional roads to pass through the Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) campus, in a means to connect the Bilkent City Hospital to the city, the Ankara Independent Deputy Aylin Nazlıaka said on Aug. 16 in a press conference at the Turkish parliament.
