American International Group

S&P Downgrades Bulgarian Telecom Vivacom's Rating

The international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) downgraded on Friday the rating of Bulgaria's third largest telecom Bulgarian Telecommunications Company (Vivacom). 

According to S&P's official statement, quoted by, the reason for this is the connection of Vivacom with the bankrupt Corporate Commercial Bank (KTB). 

VIVACOM Cash Balance in KTB '11 Times Higher' than Announced

Bulgarian telecom VIVACOM's assets in BNB-supervised Corporate Commercial Bank (KTB) are likely to amount to EUR 71 M, the Irish Stock Exchange wrote on its website.

It reminded VIVACOM had previously put its balance at KTB, which the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) placed under conservatorship in June, at EUR 6.5 M.
