
Man, Woman or "X": The United States has issued Gender-Neutral Passports

Although only a small extra box to fill in gender, this is a huge step for D. Ojeda, a gender-neutral person who became one of the first Americans to apply for a gender-neutral passport.

"My family still doesn't understand what I'm doing," said Ojeda, a 34-year-old activist named D. who uses the pronouns "them, them" for themself.

New Gender Neutral Emojis Were Included in the Latest iOS Update

Apple has released new gender neutral emoticons - an analogue of most current emoticons. There are punks, clowns and zombies among them. This is part of the company's mobile operating system update, AFP reported. The tech giant has been offering an increasing number of inclusive emoji designs in recent years, presenting them with different skin colours or professions.

‘Hey, boy’ Takes Pride in Women’s Androgynous Look

She says people often tell her that short hair, T-shirts, shirts, sneakers and tattoos are not something that girls usually wear.

Martina. Photo: Kristijan Vuckovic.

"Our society is deeply rooted in stereotypes about what a woman should look like, and everything out of these frames is strange, unusual, confusing," she says.

Neutral Sexual Education at the Kindergarten in Stockholm

Children get the opportunity to define their gender themselves, writes BBC. 

From the moment a child is born, its gender pretty much determines how they will dress, which toys they'll be given and ultimately how they are meant to behave within society.

But some schools in Sweden are trying to strip away such gender norms.