
The European Parliament Reassured: We will not Forbid Döner Kebabs

The European Parliament may veto the European Commission's legislative proposal to allow the use of phosphate additives in frozen meat (including Döners) because of health concerns. Serious concerns about the health effects of phosphates used as food supplements were expressed by members of the EP's Public Health and Food Safety Committee, reports actualno. 

A stinky matter: Canada’s cheese quota settlement upsets EU dairy farmers


Canada’s federal government has finalised the details of an additional import quota that will allow 18,500 tonnes of European cheese to enter Canada, but EU dairy producers aren’t happy. EURACTIV Italy reports.

The quota is part of the CETA trade agreement between Canada and the EU, which will enter into force on 21 September.

Unidentified suspects shoot 7 water buffalos dead, steal bodies in Istanbul

Unidentified suspects have shot seven water buffalos dead, chopped their heads off and stole their bodies in Istanbul's Şile district. 

The owner of the water buffalos, Cengiz Akdeniz, started searching for his animals when they did not return after five days, saying that he released his animals to a meadow for grazing.
