Body shape

Grandma becomes a bodybuilding champion

Debbie Allsopp, who has two grandchildren, has claimed prizes in eight bodybuilding competitions since beginning her muscle-building quest three years ago.

According to The Sun, the 48-year-old woman used to drink a dozen vodka Red Bulls and six tequilas.

“Once a month I’d go on a bender and be falling out of a nightclub drunk as a skunk,” Debbie said.

Why are Greek kids getting fatter?

Efthymos Kapantais, president of the Hellenic Medical Association for Obesity (HMAO), told daily newspaper Kathimerini this week that many Greek people are being “forced to eat low-cost foods, which are often foods of low nutritional value”. This has led to extremely high rates of obesity, particularly among children.

Turkey to be caught in the chronic disease storm in 20 years, says geneticist

Turkey will be caught in a "chronic disease storm" over the next 20 years, Professor Gökhan Hotam??l?gil, a world renowned geneticist, has warned.

Professor Hotam??l?gil said one third of the Turkish population is overweight, one third is clinically overweight and three percent is morbidly obese, adding problems to the country's future.

Bulgaria Has Fifth Largest Share of Obese Children in Europe - WHO

According to the latest figures of WHO, which were presented in Prague on Wednesday, Bulgaria has the fifth largest share of obese or overweight children under the age of five in Europe.

The results of an obesity forecast exercise, which were revealed at the European Obesity Conference, showed that the share of obese or overweight children in Bulgaria was 19.8 %.

'Obese cat' in Turkey loses 5.5 kg in 4 months

A fat cat in western Turkey has shed more than five kilograms in four months after its owner hospitalized the pet.

Named "Ta? Kafa" (Stone Head), referring to a Turkish expression for a dumb person, the five-year-old cat was recently taken to the animal treatment center of Nilüfer district in the Bursa province by its owner.

Economics of losing weight and other New Year’s Resolutions

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is losing weight. While some would like to shed off the few extra pounds gained during the holiday season, obesity is an increasing issue throughout the world. According to the World Health Organization, more than 2.1 billion people, nearly a third of the global population, are obese.
