
Bogdan Aurescu: Romania is promoting inter-culturalism in favour of national minorities

Inter-culturalism, as a fundamental idea through which the Convention-Framework is aiming to ensure dialogue, to inter-penetrate among various cultures that are manifesting in a given space, has been and is the main thread of the measures Romania understands to promote in favour of the national minorities inside its borders, the Foreign Affairs minister, Bogdan Aurescu told an interview to AGER

ACL candidate Iohannis wants to change parliamentary election legislation

Presidential hopeful of the Christian Liberal Alliance (ACL) Klaus Iohannis, told an election rally on Saturday in Cluj-Napoca, central Romania, that if he wins the office of Romania's president he will take action to change the parliamentary election legislation.

DNA: searches in 11 locations in Cluj Napoca over corruption suspicions

The National Anticorruption Department (DNA) informs that prosecutors have conducted on Wednesday searches in 11 places located in Cluj Napoca, at the head offices of some companies, public institutions and the homes of some people, under an investigation triggered by suspicion over committing some corruption deeds, in the period 2013-2014, by senior officials of the local authori