Coalition for a European Montenegro

2023 Parliamentary Elections in Montenegro: Young Voters Will Decide the Elections

The early parliamentary elections, scheduled to take place on 11 June 2023, will be the twelfth parliamentary elections since the introduction of a multi-party system and the sixth since Montenegro gained its independence.  There are around 542 thousand eligible voters registered in the central electoral roll.

And now goodbye...

It is the first definitive electoral personal defeat of Djukanovi since his entry into state politics in February 1991.
Djukanovi was defeated in the first round of the presidential elections in 1997, but emerged as winner in the second.
Djukanovi received the unanimous support of the DPS Main Board for this new candidacy at the session held on February 24.

Impoverished Opposition Bastion Poses Test for Montenegro Leader

Local elections on May 20 in the tiny northern town of Pluzine, which just over 2,500 voters, are being seen as an important trial of strength both for the opposition and ruling parties in Montenegro.  

Pluzine is the only town in Montenegro where the country's ruler for several decades, Milo Djukanovic, and his party, have never won either a general or local election.

Montenegro issues arrest warrant for former top official

The Interpol National Central Bureau for Montenegro has issued an international arrest warrant for Svetozar Marovic.

Marovic is a former high ranking official of the ruling DPS party, who in the past served as president of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, and as speaker of the Montenegrin Assembly.

Montenegrin Assembly unanimously in favor of joining NATO

The Montenegrin Assembly on Friday voted unanimously in favor of Montenegro's membership in NATO.

46 members of the Assembly from the DPS, the Bosniak Party, the Social-Democrats, the Croatian Civil initiative, the "Albanians Resolutely" coalition, and the SDP all voted in favor, Montenegrin media are reporting.
