
Greek shipping turns to local lenders

Three Greek banks - Piraeus, National and Alpha - are among the world's top 40 lenders in financing oceangoing shipping, as the Greek credit sector has increased its share in funding Greek shipping companies in the face of a global reduction in marine lending, according to 2017 data compiled by Petrofin Bank Research.

DBRS: Cypriot NPLs have dropped 23 pct

Toronto-based ratings agency DBRS gave on Tuesday a positive view of the ongoing reduction in the nonperforming loans of Cypriot banks that has amounted to nearly a quarter from their peak in early 2015.

It noted in a statement that the NPL stock has been declining mostly driven by the non-financial corporations (NFCs) sector.

Moody's: Eurozone recovery ongoing, but reform efforts fading and political risks rising

While euro area sovereigns' ratings will likely remain stable in 2016-17, fading fiscal consolidation, limited progress on structural reforms and an increasingly fluid political landscape limit upside potential and create longer-term risks, said Moody's Investors Service in a report published on March 18.
