Economy of Greece

Growth allows for more support to primary sector

As the Greek economy grows, so does the state's degree of flexibility for supporting the primary sector, Minister of Rural Development and Food Lefteris Avgenakis said on Wednesday in his message to the conference of the Panhellenic Association of Exporters on the topic "The Growing Extroversion of the Greek Economy."

Central bank expects growth to pick up in 2024 and ’25

Τhe Bank of Greece predicts an acceleration of the growth rate of the Greek economy for 2024 and 2025, followed by a slight decline in 2026. 

In a report titled "Note on the Greek economy" published on Friday, the growth rate in 2023 is expected to come to 2.4%, accelerating marginally to 2.5% in 2024 and 2025, before dropping down to 2.3% in 2026. 

Vote of confidence in the country by Telekom

German telecommunications giant Deutsche Telekom has given a vote of confidence in the Greek economy and its prospects.

As pointed out by Dominique Leroy, the member of Telekom's Board of Directors responsible for Europe, during a meeting with Greek reporters at this year's MWC in Barcelona, Telekom continues to steadily invest in Greece and its prospects through OTE Group.
