
Dog tours Istanbul on public transport

A dog has taken the internet by storm after photos circulated on social media showing it commuting on Istanbul's public transport.

The buzz began when someone posted a photo of the dog on the tram in Istanbul with the caption saying, "A security officer wanted to take the dog out, but it resisted. Then he said, 'Anybody bothered? Because if not, it will get off at Kabataş station'."

A glimpse at Athens in the Ottoman era

In his wonderful "Book of Travel," famed Ottoman explorer Evliya Celebi (1611-1682) said that writers of all faiths regard Athens as the "home of wise men." Celebi sang the city's praises in a beautifully written paean after visiting Athens in 1668. He encountered a medieval city, where the Parthenon was still almost intact.

Let's call Turkey's new ?zmit bridge the 'Evliya Çelebi Bridge'

Today, March 25, is the anniversary of the birth of Evliya Çelebi, one of the greatest Ottoman men of letters. He is also one of the least-appreciated. As someone who has lived in Istanbul for many years, immersing myself of late in Evliya's life and work, I remain perplexed that he is scarcely celebrated in Turkey today.
