Evangelos Apostolakis

Kammenos hints defense minister being sidelined

The leader of the nationalist Independent Greeks (ANEL) party, Panos Kammenos, whipped up a storm of sorts on Tuesday, hinting that his successor at the Defense Ministry, Evangelos Apostolakis, was being sidelined by his alternate minister, Panagiotis Rigas, and the chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff (GES), Giorgos Kambas.

Photos of Turkish frogmen off north Crete taken down

An under-sea photo showing two Turkish frogmen posing with a Turkish flag in a sea area north of the Greek island of Crete was taken down from the Twitter account of the NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) on Wednesday after protests lodged by the Hellenic Navy at the prompting of Defense Minister Evangelos Apostolakis.

Probe into Greek soldiers arrested by Turkey in 2018 archived, minister says

A military inquiry into the arrest by Turkish authorities last year of two Greek soldiers on border patrol in northeastern Greece has been "sent to the archive," Defense Minsister Evangelos Apostolakis said on Friday in response to a question from the opposition.

Greece making effort to de-escalate tension from 'dangerous' Turkish violations, defense minister says

Greece is making a concerted effort to react calmly to "dangerous incidents" in the Aegean, where Turkish violations "are reaching very high levels," Defense Minister Evangelos Apostolakis told a Parliamentary committee on on Monday.

After historic visit, Greek, Turkish defense ministers to meet

In the wake of the visit by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to Turkey, contacts between Athens and Ankara will continue next week in the context of Wednesday's NATO summit of defense ministers, where Evangelos Apostolakis and his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar will discuss confidence-building measures.
