Evangelos Apostolakis

AHI hails American military chief's Athens visit

The results of Tuesday's meeting between the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Marine General Joseph Dunford and Chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis were hailed on Wednesday by the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) as a reaffirmation of its policy positions on US-Greek defense cooperation.

Head of US military in Greece on two-day official visit

Marine General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the US military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, started an official two-day visit to Greece on Monday.

The top US military officer is undertaking the visit following an invitation from the chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis.

Armed forces chief to remain in hospital for two weeks

The chief of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, is to remain under medical observation for the next two weeks following his admission to a military hospital last week for tests. 

The armed forces chief was admitted to the hospital last Thursday after complaining of feeling unwell.

Greek, Turkish armed forces chiefs look for ways to reduce tension in Aegean

Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff (GEETHA) Chief Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis and his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar discussed ways of deescalating tension in the Aegean to avoid the possibility of an accident, in talks held on the sidelines of recent military conferences in Europe.

Greek armed forces chief calls on Turkish counterpart to free jailed soldiers

Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff (GEETHA) Chief Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis called for the release of the two Greek servicemen who are being held in a Turkish prison since early March, during a meeting with Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar, on the sidelines of a NATO Military Committee meeting in Brussels on Wednesday.
