Evangelos Venizelos

Avramopoulos expresses faith in justice system after testifying in Novartis affair probe

After two hours of testimony before a prosecutor on Monday, during which he elaborated on his claim that a judicial probe into the alleged bribery of Greek politicians by Swiss pharmaceutical firm Novartis had been fabricated along with the testimonies of witnesses, European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos expressed his faith in the Greek justice system. 

European migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos to testify over Novartis claims

European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos was to face a prosecutor on Monday to elaborate on his claim that a judicial probe into the alleged bribery of Greek politicians by Swiss pharmaceutical firm Novartis, which implicated him and another nine Greek politcians, had been fabricated along with the testimonies of witnesses. 

Stournaras says ‘brazen’ attempt at character assassination has ended

With the shelving Thursday of a legal suit against him involving Swiss drugmaker Novartis, Greek central bank governor Yannis Stournaras said that a "brazen procedure of slander and character assassination" had officially come to an end "after a 20-month delay."

Angelis orders probe of politicians’ lawsuits before testifying on Novartis

Just two days before he will be deposed regarding his charges of a botched handling of the Novartis kickbacks case by his colleagues and of governmental meddling in the case, Deputy Supreme Court Prosecutor Ioannis Angelis has in a 10-page report requested that lawsuits filed by former PM Antonis Samaras, former Pasok leader Evangelos Venizelos, and European Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos (
