Evangelos Venizelos

Politicians appointed to supervise elections in list mix-up

Former conservative prime minister Costas Karamanlis, Labour Minister Effie Achtsioglou and former socialist deputy premier Evangelos Venizelos were among the politicians who were accidentally appointed by a section of the Supreme Court as court representatives in the upcoming local, regional and European elections, due to a mix-up in the lists provided by the country's Bar Associations.

Novartis probe : Four politicians absolved, focus on Loverdos

The Novartis affair, which was once described by the government as the biggest scandal since the establishment of the Greek state, appears to be fizzling out as the judiciary closed the investigation due to lack of evidence for four politicians and sent only the case of former health minister Andreas Loverdos (Pasok) to parliament with a request that his parliamentary immunity be lifted so that

ND douses speculation over next President

Greece's main opposition party, which is polled to win the next general election, has doused speculation that it plans to propose former socialist prime minister Costas Simitis or ex PASOK chief Evangelos Venizelos as President of Greece.

Speaking on Skai radio on Thursday, New Democracy spokesperson Maria Spyraki said both scenarios were "out of the question."

Ilindenska Makedonija on cards

Athens and Skopje are reportedly discussing "Republic of Ilinden Macedonia" as a candidate name for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) as part of the solution to the decades-old dispute.

The proposal was reportedly put forward during talks in Sofia on Friday between the prime ministers of the two countries, Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev.
