Evangelos Venizelos

Varoufakis accuses administration of copying its predecessors

Continuing the war of words with the government he used to serve, former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has hit out at Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras over his administration's bond issue, accusing his former comrade of hypocrisy in adopting the very tactics of the predecessors that he had condemned.

Why depreciation is the wrong medicine for the Greek economy

At an event in Hamburg in February 2016, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble mentioned the suggestion he had offered Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos in 2011 for a short-term Grexit. Schaeuble's rationale, among others, is that exiting the euro would allow the country to depreciate its currency.

Parliament calls Pappas and TV licenses’ owners

Most members of SYRIZA-ANEL “covered themselves” behind the President of the Institutions and Transparency Committee of the Greek Parliament that examined the New Democracy’s request to bring before the Parliament the four new TV channel owners, together with the Minister of State Nikos Pappas and the Representative of the Secretariat General of Information Eleytherios Kretzos.

Ex-PASOK chief, SYRIZA react to former finance minister's allegations in new book

Allegations made in a new book by former finance minister Giorgos Papaconstantinou that SYRIZA officials asked him to provide evidence that would incriminate his successor Evangelos Venizelos (photo) over the Lagarde list affair, have provoked a reaction from the leftist party and the ex-PASOK leader.

If we fail to enter the Parliament, I will retire from politics, says ANEL leader

Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader Panos Kammenos left open the possibility of retiring from politics, if his party fails to enter the Parliament.

“If Greek men and women do not want me in the Parliament, I won’t be in the Parliament,” he said speaking to ANT1 TV channel adding that he had no reason to remain in the country’s politics.

Pol leaders vote in Greek referendum

Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos voted in the upscale Psychiko district in north-central Athens considered the “diplomatic row” in the Greek capital.

Pavlopoulos, an attorney and veteran politician and minister from the conservative New Democracy party, urged unity in the country regardless of the referendum result.

Venizelos: Tsipras’ latest address a 'panicked reaction'

Former PASOK leader and veteran minister Evangelos Venizelos on Tuesday called the latest televised appearance by Greek PM Alexis Tsipras a “panicked reaction” and disrespectful of national interests.

Venizelos’ sharp criticism came hours after Tsipras’ most recent “proclamation” on Greek television, where he defended his decision for a snap referendum and his call for a “no” vote.
